- In the U.S., 75% of employees felt tired most days of the week.
- 750 million people worldwide are illiterate.
- Over 6 million people last year have been directly helped by the Volunteer Minister (VM) program.
- In the past year, 35 million people have been reached through media with the VM program.
Every day, people around the world face problems in life without any effective tools to handle them.
The 19 Scientology Tools for Life courses are available at, to provide LRH solutions to help improve lives. The IAS sponsors Internet ads to direct people to the Volunteer Minister (VM) website and in the past year, people from over 200 countries and territories around the world have done an online course. Here are some of the recent wins from those students who have completed a course:
“By reading this course I have really benefited a lot. I got to know what confusion actually means and with the help of this course I have been able to handle confusions more easily. I understand now the difference between good control and bad control and how to use this in my work and day-to-day life. I learned the procedure of Reach and Withdraw and I did it on objects in my workplace. It works amazingly! I gave all of the ideas that I got to know from this course to some close friends and they have also benefited from them.”—M.S., Nepal
“This is a valuable course for anyone, irrespective of their profession. The data and exercises are extremely effective in handling the numerous problems associated with work, exhaustion, lack of purpose and failures. While on this course, I gained the understanding that one can literally work for as long as one has purpose and actionable steps to achieve.
“I learned that the ‘tiredness’ associated with working for a ‘long time’ has more to do with one’s past traumas, rather than the present condition of one’s mind or body. This has helped me to work for longer periods than before. On the ‘Take a Walk’ exercise, I discovered that actually looking at things in one’s environment as one walks is a very therapeutic activity. I discovered that the environment looks brighter, people seemed friendlier and happier, and a little weariness that I was feeling simply vanished. I subsequently have taken to walking (and looking) as a new addition to my routine. I recommend this course to anyone who desires a fulfilling and enjoyable life. Thank you!”—B.O., Nigeria
“My eyes have been opened to the basic dynamic of life—survival. Now I know that if one or two of my dynamics are off balance then the other dynamics will be off as well. I see now how interconnected they are. I also realized that I have been neglecting my third dynamic so I have had a difficult time building a team—and if I create on this dynamic, I will bring the rest of my dynamics up the conditions and improve my life. Up until now I have had a pretty up and down life. But with these tools, I can now be cause over this and expand my dynamics!” —S.B., Canada