Providing a Moral Compass For Life
- Murder is up by 16.1% in 25 major cities in the U.S., compared to last year.
- In Europe, one in three children experience some form of violence by parents, caregivers or family members.
- Every 2 hours, someone orders a Way to Happiness (TWTH) Educator’s Resource Kit online.
- Every 20 seconds, someone completes a lesson on the TWTH online course.
After months of sheltering at home, restrictions and widespread social disruption, people are looking for the road map to a better life.
Here are some stories of lives changed after finding The Way to Happiness:
“I was in a lot of trouble as a teenager. I was one of those kids namelessly referred to as the ‘problem out there.’ And it was true. In trouble with the law, my school, my parents. If I wasn’t destroying property, I was stealing something. And believe me, I was not doing well personally... committing crimes, abusing alcohol, and I was getting into drugs. My school reports contained As, but only in the word ‘absent.’
One day, my parents left a copy of The Way to Happiness booklet on my bed, and I sat down and read it. The book contained many ideas and concepts that I had always wanted to live up to but had failed at. Even some real simple ones that I thought weren’t a problem for me, such as ‘Be Worthy of Trust’ but in fact I had failed at. Something happened to me when I stared that cold hard fact in the face and realized I was not worthy of trust. I decided to change. I started making correct decisions in my life. I am now quite a successful actor and composer. In fact I had my first International World Premiere in Germany with the Brandenburg Philharmonic Orchestra.
I support this program because I know if my parents hadn’t given me the book, I’d probably be in a cell right now. That’s what the book did for me. And if these concepts and the book can be gotten into the hands of others like me, I’ll back it up all the way.”—Actor & Composer, Germany
“We’ve had a very good response from the people in our community since distributing The Way to Happiness. Many people have called and asked for more copies to share with friends.
At my sister’s housing project there were a lot of problems between tenants, disputes, lack of respect and a LOT of crime. I told the building manager about the books, and then she gave them out at the monthly tenants meeting. She told me that as a result she noticed a significant change in the way tenants were treating each other and it was a very positive change. And the crime rate has been going down too. This was because of the book. These are very definite results that I have personally seen, and there are more. Thank you very much for the books, which we are using to improve our community!”
—Community Advocate, USA
“First of all, I would like to say that this program helps the staff tremendously because of its calming effect on the juveniles involved. These minors became noticeably less hostile to each other and the staff, and they no longer lose their tempers. They began to speak to us (the staff) with much more respect than before and stopped speaking to us in ‘gang language.’ Even their vocabulary was much improved. I personally noticed that when the parents of the students came to visit on Sundays, they were given much more respect by their children than before.
One of the extraordinary results of this program has been several minors admitting to me that they now feel remorse for what they have done in the past. This type of statement is highly unusual.
Finally, I would like to say that the minors involved in the program have not been in lockdown1 for a long, long time, and we do not have disciplinary problems with them. I highly recommend this program. In my opinion it should be mandatory for all minors who come to Juvenile Hall.”—County Probation Officer, USA